The people here in Newfoundland are the nicest people I have ever met. Not to say That I haven't met nice people before, but consistently, every home we have entered and every person we have met on the street, they are just, ... Nice! It might be because Newfoundland is built with many many small towns, and in each town everybody knows everybody and they know all the other every body's two towns over as well. But hands down Newfoundland has the best people in the World! If it weren't for the weather, I might actually consider living here!

It's funny because all the pubs we enter are just so cheery. You meet random people and you're instant friends. They talk to you like you've grown up together and you've just bumped into them again by chance. It's Awesome! Everyone is so comfortable with everyone else.
Each town here has their own accent. Like each state has their own. Many Newfoundlanders will slow down their speech just so we can understand them. I said to one girl that said she had slowed it down for me, since I'm from the Mainland, "Oh, so you're talking to me like I'm retarded then?" She laughed at that.
Many of our customers have fed us. One older couple was making soup and invited us to eat. I ate two bowls and I piece of Cheesecake! Another Couple, when I said I used to eat roadkill Moose in Alaska ran downstairs and brought up 2 Moose Steaks, Ground Moose, Capelin, and Salmon for us to take home! It was over $50 worth of meat for free! (He was a hunter/fisherman) It was Sooo NICE of them! We still haven't figured out how to cook the capelin though. And another gave us knitted socks & Hats! It was so sweet of them! These people are really awesome! They treat everyone like family.

I think the best part, is that I don't recall entering a home and NOT seeing a picture of the savior. They all have a spot for the savior in their hearts. These people may not be LDS, but they sure are the most Christ-like people ever, and live in a very Christian manner. They have so much Charity. Which, in my mind, is the pure love of Christ. Also, while on the Topic of how awesome everything is, I just want to say that I LOVE Newfy Music! It's Irish & Canadian all at the same time. It's great all around. Newfoundland; I LOVE YOU!
Love Always,
Mrs. Fray Fray
P.S. The key to Talkin Newfy is to just drop the 'H'
Ands Down me Love, Ands Down. Oney is the Best to put witch yor peanut Butter.