Hey everyone!

Yes… I know. I Have neglected my blog for quite some time now, but we have been busy. Working and stuff. So, we were in Northern Alberta but are now located in Northern B.C. and we are currently in a city which has the ALASKA HIGHWAY running straight through the center of it! YAY for AK49!!! Anyways, back to what we’ve essentially been up to. In the first month of work Jame

s did at Least 75 installs, along with some paid service calls and a rip out. I sold 11 systems, with 3 cancels. But, I might have been able to do more if I worked a little harder and if my managers weren’t such dinks.

Totally unorganized, and take all the good area for themselves and stick everyone else in area that has been hit hard every year for the last 3 years. It’s pretty ridiculous, and I have lots of ridiculous stories, but I would rather focus on the pleasant things of our gypsy summer. I have been silly because every time I saw something totally awesome I didn’t have my camera with me!Like, in Peace River Alberta, there was a statue that literally looked EXACTLY like Jebediah Springfield! (From the Simpson’s). And in Beaver Lodge, there was a HUGE beaver in the middle of the city (made of wood). And we also went down by a river one day and saw two beavers working on their dam, so cute! Another girl took pictures of that, so hopefully they’ll at

least be on facebook. Things I have taken pictures of happened here in Fort St. John.The city we are currently residing in. So… the first day we were here we walked to Wal-Mart (because it is literally right next door, as in it is 75 meters away from us. And, it is literally faster to walk, than to drive there. Literally! So…we figured we would get enough so that we could walk home with it. To our dismay we got more than that. So… ha ha. We Pushed the cart home. Pushed it into the elevator. And it is now residing in our apartment. :) Ha ha! We thought it was hilarious. Then at the local Grocery Store, James had heard that the lobster was super cheap. So

, we went over there last night and it was super cheap! He got one over a pound and it was like $16 or $17 bucks! So, we could have either paid $50 at a restaurant for the tail, or gone to the store and gotten a whole one for $16 bucks? Hmm… Anyways, James thought it was Delicious. I had Tortellini because I think I might be allergic to lobster. I stay away from it just to be safe. We video taped it getting cooked. It was sweet. And sad, but he was going to get eaten anyways, so WE might as well be the one’s to execute him. P.S. his name was Cleatus, and he died well. Like a warrior in a boiling battle?

Well, I will attempt to write more, more often. But it has been a crazy summer. Hopefully James and I can do some fun things (outside) before summer is over.
Love Always,
Mrs. Fray Fray