We spent a day at the Coba ruins about an hour or so away from our Resort. It was a great day. There were so many little ruins within an 80 square Km! It was so cool. There were a whole bunch that weren't even uncovered! (You can tell because they look like overgrown hills with Rocks everywhere).

Coba is one of the few places that you can still climb on the ruins. So that is why we chose to go there instead of Chichen Itza. Plus it was about an hour and a half closer to get too.

I LOVE these Ruins! It makes you wonder if any of the book of Mormon Stories happened AT any of these sites!?

Dan Touched The Caterpillars and then he got a little itchy. Pretty sure, it was poisonous. I guess that's why it had bright Colors.

We ARE Karate Kids.

Jungle LOVE

They had a Rope Running up the side of the Large Temple. It was to help people to climb, but ... apparently I didn't get the memo. I thought it was a Tug-O-War rope. Me Against the Ancient City.

View from the top. Now I understand how they could see Armies coming into the borders of their lands. You can see FOREVER up here! Is this where King Noah ran too and then noticed his Scape Goat? (The Armies coming into the land). Well, at least he was burned later. But who didn't see THAT coming after Abinadi's Prophecy.

The dust on the Temple made it slick for the climb down. But I was running All over the place! James kept telling me to stop it. I guess he thought if I slipped there would be no recovery from it, and it would send me all the way back down to the bottom. Well, I suppose it WAS extremely steep AND dangerous. I guess I can see where he was coming from.

It doesn't look that steep from this angle, but trust me, it was STEEP! And the Steps were small.

We are eating at a street side vendor. First Street Meat I've ever had. I'm really glad I didn't see the food preparation area. I might not have enjoyed the food quite as much.

Mandy really wanted to hit some Cenote's. So we all headed in and took a plunge after our sweaty trek though the Jungle at the Ruins. It was so nice! It's so weird being in places like this and seeing it as ok to have bats flying around in the same caves your swimming in. P.S. Ben Did a little cliff jumping into the pool we were about to jump in. I got some sweet video, it might take me a little while though before I can get to editing it. But You WILL eventually see it.

What the water is like in the Cenote.

This picture was the WORST! We all had to "disperse" "Disperse" every time the people taking the photos were switching camera's or when other people were getting in the way. You can only tred water for so long in a clumped up group like that. I literally thought I was going to drown lol. Well, not literally, but it came close.
The Rock Walk! Point of challenge. You take a Very large Rock. Then race people to see how far you can go walking under the water WITH the rock until you have to drop it and come up for air. Below you can see a photo of James booking it! Literally! He was going SO fast that I couldn't even swim to keep up! But I got a shot before he got too far away. Overall, it was the best day ever. So much Fun!

Love Always,
Mrs. Fray Fray