Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Warning Signs

I went for the first 45min. Received $15, ... and then quit.
LOL! It sounds funny that way doesn't it?
Want to know the story now? Well... someone posted online that they needed someone to pick up groceries for them every week and a half or so and it would take approx. 45min. each time, and you would recive $15 cash at the end of each trip, so I thought, SWEET! I could have a job, go to school AND do this, no prob.
He e-mailed me that the position had been filled so I was like, "O'well" But then a week and a half later he calls me up. I talked to him on the phone and it was a little weird. The way he talked and said things. It felt a little off too, but I was just like, "Is he just old? Is he handicapped?" Why does he need me to pick up his groceries was basically what I was thinking. I also thought that James NEEDED to come with me. So I was like, O.K.

So James came with me and we met with him where he gave us the list and the money to get his food, but the second he opened the door I felt Icky. It was just REALLY Icky. He acted a little weird, but I usually don't freak out when people act weird. And this WAS the First meeting right? People shouldn't jump to conclusions? Well, this was different. I spiritually haven't felt THIS way very often. Perhaps two or three other times in my life. Even when we got in the car to go to the store I felt it. And at the store I was so SPIRITUALLY sick that I felt Physically sick, like I was going to literally vomit.
Sometimes when I've felt this way I knew exactly what was going to happen if I didn't follow the spirit's promptings. This time, I couldn't put my finger on what the consequences would be I just KNEW I could never go back after tonight.
After I decided for sure that I wouldn't be back I started to feel a little bit better.

It kind of made me wonder why the last person stopped working for him? And when I thought about it, he told me that he had traveled to Europe for the Summer and gone to New York and all these places. He was approx. 50 and looked healthy to pick up his own food, and he obviously likes to go places, why then does he have people shop for him? Weird.

I don't usually post these types of things on my blog, but I guess it's a good story to tell. When you have a gut feeling, and when the spirit tells you something, You DO IT. Plus, I didn't want to forget what I felt and be dooped into going back on accident ha ha j/k. But seriously, I am so thankful that a member of the Godhead is here to warn me and guide me through this life. Listen to the promptings and warnings he sends you, and DO whatever it tells you, because if you don't, he will send those promptings less and less. If you don't use it, You'll lose it.

Love Always,
Mrs. Fray Fray

1 comment:

Linda said...

Angie, You're such a great example to me.
I love reading your blog, it really inspires the important things in life.
I'm so lucky to know you, even have you as my very first roomie : ))
