Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hair, Hockey, Haloween & the CFL

So...my hair got it's dramatic change! But...it wasn't what I was complelty wanting. The blonde that I wanted on the top was more of a yellow at first, but it has faded to a more white blonde which is great, and the FIREY RED that I had desired on the bottom is now a darker color than what my hair color was before. The red will to fade into a brighter color, but from what I can tell, it won't be quite what I was desiring. But, that's ok.

The cut, on the other hand, was exactly what I had asked for. I just wanted it layered a bit, but mostly my goal is to just grow out my hair. My hair looks nice, the dresser did what would be best. Overall I was a little dissapointed with the red. I just don't know whether I should leave it, or do something else with it.

Recently, James and I were called as activity people in the Ward, and we went to the ward activity on Saturday night as a DOG and a FIRE HYDRANT!!! Needless to say we were the talk of the day! And when they announced in Sacrament the sucess of attendance at the party they specifically mentioned me! "The Fire Hydrant!" It was super exciting. We also have an Institute Haloween Preference dance this Friday! I asked James by sending him on a treasure hunt and we will yet again dress like the dog and Fire Hydrant we are. (P.S. James Sewed his costume and I used Cardboard & ductape to create my own).

I also went to my first Professional football game! Baisically if people don't make it into the NFL in the U.S. they come to the CFL in Canada haha, so Our hometeam (Calgary Stamepeaders) won! And everytime they made a touchdown fireworks were shot in the air and a lady with a flag and a horse would ride around the field. We left a little bit early because we didn't want to wait forever to get on the train!?" And while we were walking out there were many people with instraments playing (homeless people), One man said, "When are all the drunk people comin out!? They pay me money!?" Then a man walking by told him, "I'll pay you to stop playing." And James said to me, "The only reason drunk people pay him is because they don't know how horrible he sounds."

I think the best part was riding the C-Train (like a subway). There was this Drunk Indian lady on it and she was threatening people by saying, "Give me dollar, or I Killl you!" She was sitting the entire time and would get angry at anyone who looked at her, then she raised her price to TWO dollars! "Give me Two dollar, or I KILL YOU!"
Anyways, she got up finally (When it was her stop, but I wouldn't be suprised if she got off at the wrong place). and she could barley stand and hid a listerine bottle in her coat? Weird? Once she got off a boy near us was like, "I'll give you two Dollars to Shut up!" and then everyone on the train made fun of her the entire ride home, even people who got on the train after she left were told about it and given a good laugh. It was hillarious.

I also went to see my first full Hockey game! It was the Calgary Hitmen, vs: the Lethbridge Hurricanes. It's not the NHL, but the league below the NHL. It was still really fun. And I guess if you aren' tin the NHL they stop the fighting even before it begins. I guess You have to be a TRUE professional if you want to get any real action on the ice. It was funny watching them though attempting to fight before the referies would come to stop them.

Overall we have been busy. But having a wonderful time doing so. I better get back to doing laundry now. Until later,

Love Always,

Mrs. Fray Fray


Linda said...

Oh Angie, I was reading and I was laughing at the train incident and and drunk instrument people. That sounds exciting and funny! It reminded me of the days I was in Japan riding train. There are many crazy and drunk people out there.
Anyways, enjoyed reading your blog! and miss you so much!

Cassandra said...

Your stories are funny from your football trip and the subway thing. I think the lady, unfortunately, was drunk from the Listerine...oh dear. I can't see the red in the picture, but I think your hair looks super cute. Love the costume!

The Wife said...

Your costumes were amazing! Take a look at my blog, I tagged you.