Well, ... I promised to show the interior of the home, so here it is. Since I feel that I did a lot of explaining in the previous post, I think this post I'll explain photos/go into greater depth with the photographs. Mostly, I'm just giving you a glimpse of what the place looked like when we first walked in (after cleanup had already occurred the weekend before). I don't have a wide angle lens, so the shots aren't as full view as I'd like them to be, but ... you get the picture.

James' Dad had horses, so here are some shots of the room that had all the bridles, ropes, etc. He was also very into leather work, knife making & Music.

We found
various types of musical instruments. Leather, leather, leather and more leather. Some pelts and fur, but mostly leather! And whenever we crossed paths with one of his knives we got a little excited. Mostly because they are pretty amazing knives! Some of his knives, that he made, could sell up to $400! But, ... we like them, not only because of the look and quality of the knives, but the sentimental value, that his Dad Made it. There is no way that we are going to sell, or toss his knives. They're just too awesome!

The fridge wasn't too bad. It was working when we arrived, and looked to have been working. Then we left and returned the next day and the Fridge had pooped out. O'well. I was sort of wanting a new fridge anyway. This one was just a tad bit too old for me. But
the black and white photos of it does make it look quite good.
Photo to the left is the living Room. Photo to the right is the second bedroom. (Only two bedrooms).
These are just some shots we got of the inside of the dump truck. We had ripped out the carpet in the living room, which had tile underneath.
You will never guess what we found under the tile. HARDWOOD! Not just any hardwood. It's an inch Thick! Literally! Apparently this home was built out of the leftovers of the famous "Prince of Whales Hotel" in Waterton! How cool is that!? A little piece of History right in our own little home. I guess technically, ... our First Home!

Finally! Here are some shots of the house After it had been cleaned out. We still have a lot of work to do to get it in better condition.
There is an addition on the back of the house that needs to be completely torn down. It's the cause of most of the mold/mildew in the air. The roof on it isn't keeping out the water and it's unsalvageable. But, that's ok. James says that we can tear it down and build a larger addition onto the back at a very low cost. He has the best connections ever.
Photo of Things in Good Condition that we can give away or keep for ourselves.
There are 5 of these beasts hiding on the property. We found 3.
Photo above is the living Room.
James is just working away. He's such a good hard worker. Love him!
Kitchen Almost cleaned
Love Always,
Mrs. Fray Fray