So BSU played against ISU and they were defeated, but they did get a few points in, and played much better this week then the last week against Washington. I'm not talking point wise, I'm talking about overall unity and actual play was better within the team, so that was good to see. ISU has their very own Rugby field! It was pretty sweet. They even had Rocks forming "ISU Rugby." As you can see it was by the church lol which made me laugh a bit. It's like subliminal messaging. At the game a guy everyone calls "Super-fan" brought a HUGE flag, and would run across the field every time they scored.

He looks like a little leprechaun. Random, but true. He creeped me out the first game because I think he attempted to flirt with me (but he was mostly just a creeper), but I put an end to that by kissing James, and making sure he saw. For he was only as big as James' arm. Literally a leprechaun, with red hair. All he was missing was the little booties with the belt on them lol. Tons of flags from different countries were set up around the field. I think ISU is really into their Rugby because their football team isn't doing much for them. But hopefully one day BSU will get more into Rugby. Rugby's funner to watch anyways.

The Ball kept going over the fence and down the hill.

Love Always,