Sunday, February 14, 2010


James, Je t'aime tellement! Jaime tout chez toi! Mon petit conard!!!

I am so happy that we can be together forever :) Je suis tellement heuruese que nous puissions etre ensemble a' jamais. You are my favorite. Merci for the adventuresome life we have had so far and I can't wait for what is next to come. Even when challenges come our way you are so positive and loving. You are the greatest support in my life. You make me laugh, you make me smile, you serve me (comme un petit man servant or something ha ha j/k), you take care of my needs and wants and help me improve on my social skills. We balance each other so perfectly. I love that we are learning Francais et Deutch et anything else mon petit coeur desires. You are a great listener, weight lifter, driver, amant, friend, businessman, teacher and husband. You are Great at EVERYTHING you do! You just can't help it being so Amazing!

I love you so much!
Amour ta petite femme,
Mrs. Fray Fray

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