Mmmmm... Why does my house smell so good as of late? It smells like fresh Apples! Perhaps the 375 lbs of Apples Sitting in our Front Room has something to do with that? How did we come by that many apples you ask? Well, ... It was actually over 1,500 lbs of apples, but after filling people's orders there was only 375 lbs left for us to deliver. So, Until people come by to take away the apples
They have ordered. Here they will sit. In my Living Room.

Our Friends the Hurst's are actually the ones who came upon these apples through a friend. They told us of these apples being sold at 0.11 Cents a Pound! Say What!? Pretty encredible deal for fresh apples! (Fugi apples). James spread the word and everyone we knew were putting in orders. From 5 lbs to 300 lbs! To put it into perspective. 0.55 = 5 lbs, $33 = 300 lbs! What a Steal! And The Hurst's were so awesome to go pick them up for everyone in their Truck to deliver them.

It was Raining the Day they delivered them to us. Or slushing. However you call snow that turns to mush as it descends and hits the ground. Julia was such a trooper. She was whipping these apples out into boxes like no body's business, AND she is with Child! She's a beast. (In only the good kind of way). The picture above shows what the truck looked like near the end of the deliveries! SOO many Apples!

Happy Almost Thanksgiving! Hope You enjoy something this month with a flare of apple in it.

Love Always,
Mrs. Fray Fray