Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Floating Down the Boise River
James and I Floated down the Boise River for the first time on August 27th! We had a wedding reception to catch late that afternoon that we were a little late for, but it was no big deal. Sometimes it doesn't matter when you show up to those things, just as long as you eventually show up.

Floating the River was so fun! We have been waiting to be able to enjoy summer, ALL summer! Newfoundland was so Wet and Foggy this year that coming to Boise has been a relief! Boise has DRY heat, emphasis on the "Dry." And the temperatures have been in the 90's or higher. Sooo NICE! The day we floated down the River though just happened to be Overcast, And a little cool. But that didn't dampen our spirit's. We still had a great time with all our friends.

Carrie & Reed's air mattress turned out to be a way better way to go than the boats. 1. It doesn't retain water (making for no stops along the way to dump the water out). 2. It stays on top of the rapids (So no bum skidding across the rocks). 3. Way more space to lay out with your Spouse down the river (No accidental kicking).

We brought a little boat (for James and I) and we had Carrie & Reed use our sofa air mattress to float on. What is great about the launching area is that it has little hoses with good air pressure to fill up your flotation devices quickly! I was super excited when I saw those! It took way less time to prep for our adventure than I thought it would be.
There was 7 of us in total. All couples from our ward, with one wife M.I.A. but we all had a great day. James and Dustin duked it out trying to deflated one another's boats. James winning in the end because I strategically placed my body over the plugs on our boat, and Dustin was a lone wolf. Had his wife been there, things may have turned out quite differently. Also there were some dumpings and attempts to splash/fill other's boats with water. All in all, a water war, couples against couples. Dustin against all. By the end my feet were getting pretty cold, but we got out just in time for them to not get frostbite lol. Floating down the Boise River does take a few hours, so if you plan to JUST float plan on a min. of 2 and if you want to stop & jump or rope swing plan on 4 ish.
Love Always,
Mrs. Fray Fray
Will Attach Video Soon
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Cheryl's First Home
Cheryl & Bob have purchased their first home! How exciting! They will move in this September and you all get a virtual tour of thier new home before the big move. Thier new home is a three bedroom two & a Half Bath with a basement that they are hoping to partially finish as soon as possible for renting. 

Love Always,
Mrs. Fray Fray
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Niagara Falls
Love Always,
Mrs. Fray Fray
Friday, August 12, 2011
Leaving Newfoundland
James and I say goodbye to Newfoundland Officially Sunday Morning at 4am. That is when our Ferry leaves the Island. Some things I will miss are:
1. The way Newfy's talk; Accents, Vocabulary, the way they say 'Yes' While in-haling lol
2. The Awesome Night Life here; Pub's, Folk Music, Etc. AND I thought that it was SO awesome how everyone was in a band! Well, not literally, but most Newfy's play in a band and play in local pubs or at the George Street Festival or other festivals around the province.
3. Scenery; BEAUTIFUL Scenery! I'm just sad we had to hit it on the worst summer they've ever had. But even then the sights were great!
4. The People; in general. They are some of the most friendly people I have ever met! I think it's because they have their priorities straight. They Love God and Family First. Everything else just falls into place after that. They're all awesome like that.
5. The Wildflowers; scattered everywhere! Need I say more?

Back in the car after the Ferry Ride. Here, Wweeee GOo!
The Simpson's aren't American at all! They live in Nova Scotia!
I hope we can return one day and perhaps do that hike I was wanting to do. Ya know, the two day one where you bush wack and have to take a map and compass!? Yeah, that one. I think it would be a great place to return too and camp a little and see some icebergs this time, AND go see the place where the Vikings landed!
Love Always,
Mrs. Fray Fray
Video Will Eventually be posted.
Monday, August 8, 2011
GROS MORNE Mountain Anniversary!
Once we had determined that we would not be going to Twillingate our Conversation went something like this:
J - I'd like to stay home and Relax today.
A - Let's go to Gros Morne National Park. It's so Pretty.
J's Thoughts - Crap!
A - Let's go on a little hike.
J's Thoughts - Crap!
16K and One mountain later ... =]
The larger text spread throughout this post is part of a talk I gave in Sacrament meeting after we returned to Boise. It was based on trials in our lives and the link below is the General Conference talk I used throughout the talk. MY Story of Gros Morne Mountain was intertwined in this talk. (More than Conquerors though him that loved us - 2011).
Climbing this mountain has similarities to the trials we face in our lives. You think that the trial must be over now, I mean you’ve learned what God wanted you to learn right? But it takes you at least eight times to think it’s finally over Until you stop guessing and just decide to keep going until it ends. There will be points where you still have to climb, but you make the choice of climbing this particular section straight up or on the easier path to the one side. But Either way, you still have to climb.
Being on top of a Mountain is a Great Feeling! Especially When there are high chances of Leprechaun Sightings!
Taking a Moment to Dance on the 175 Step Staircase!
Some campers taking an evening Dip.
James is so Awesome! Thanks for agreeing to do this Hike with me Baby!
What all the Rock Slides looked like. Newfoundland is known as "The Rock," for good reason.
The Ultimate Latrine! Enjoy nature, or Sunbathe While ya Poop!
Meditation & Prayer on a Mountian is what Prophets of Old used to do, And God would always Reply on the Mountian. Remember Moses!? If we had more time, it might not have been a bad idea. In fact, I think I would have quite enjoyed it.
The way moon came out to play while the sun still shined.

God has some stellar creations.
It was Amazing! All the way from the front to the back. Gros Morne Mountain was the most beautiful trail I have ever hiked, but along with being the most beautiful, it might have also been my most hated. (Only because I didn't have the proper footwear and we climbed on Rocks all day). But, The only way to see the views is to make the climb.As Charles Dickens would say, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Thomas Paine said, “The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.” And to think, James had intended to spend our anniversary at home relaxing.
James Got real dirty! It made me laugh.
At the end of the day we even had time to drive home with some light left outside (but ... most of the drive was in the dark, seeing as we had to drive 4 hours back to Bishop's Falls). The photo below is part of our drive back home through Gros Morne National Park.
Love Always,
Mrs. Fray Fray
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