I Have been in my new Apartment for nearly three weeks now and have done so many things, but I have neglected to photograph or tell you about Any of it! I think you may be wondering right now, "Why does Angela have a picture of Kimmy with Poo flying out her Bum?" Well, I shall tell you. =] Kimmy tried to do a cleanse with ISAGENIX but soon gave up on that endeavor, leaving Sam to cleanse alone. Kim then realized that she had not had a bowel movement in over a week! And she told us her average (concerning the matter).
So . . . like any normal person, she took 2 E-LAX's. After 8 or more hours she STILL hadn't gone! She even pulled her pants down in the middle of the kitchen and laid on the floor attempting to move it through her system. All I can say, is that the only thing accomplished with that was a bunch of laughter, and a couple of photographs of her behind in the air LOL!!!!
Eventually, she was told by Ryan to drink a liter of Salt Water. Well, that sure cleaned out her system hahaha. And everyone could hear everything from downstairs.
A view From My Upstairs Window

Love Always,
Mrs. Fray Fray