The Family Reunion 2010 is now in session!

I've decided to keep track of each days events because, then I won't merge all the days together into one. I dunno. I think it makes sense. But it's also very late, so...I dunno. Anyways, this year we are not camping in tents, but instead are staying in COND OS! Right on the beach! They are WONDERFUL! Now I'm not as scared to get in the water because I KNOW that I won't suffer for the entire night from being cold. Nice warm beds and hot showers! MMMmmm....The Best! It's from Saturday the 7th (which by the way was James and Mine two year Anniversary!) till Thursday the 12th. AND James and I on Wednesday Night drove down and Arrived Thursday Afternoon in Boise where we then unloaded ALL of our stuff into our brand new apartment in Boise Idaho! YAY-NESS!!!
Sunday:We attended the local church. Played some games (inside, which is quite nice by the way). Ate spaghetti. And sleep.
Monday: Today we went Boogie Boarding, and I have to say. Having sea Lions within 20feet or less from you bobbing up and down is defiantly NOT the most comforting thing in the world. Needless to say I was a little freaked out! But I got over it, and once more of the fam. came I didn't see them pop up quite as often as they were before. And I am TOLD, that they don't eat humans...? But who really knows. Perhaps they've eaten all the people who Could have ratted them out. But as far as I know, they just like to watch us, and then eat the bait we put out for the crabs. But yeah, it was a blast. It was overcast, but warm. The water is NEVER warm, but I didn't die or getfrostbitten, so that was a plus. James and I both seemed to get a little burnt on the face with the overcast, but it's not too bad. I should be good by tomorrow. Hopefully tan. Later in the day James, Heather (my sista), and my Father all went golfing. It was a par 3 course, with two par 4's. It was quite enjoyable. Especially with all the drunk hicks running around. Who would have thought that red necks liked to golf too! Ha ha, j/k. And Heather got her very first PAR!!! Congratulations Heather! We all grouped together and ate tacos for dinner. And now I am spent. I think the salt water, slashed being knocked over by huge waves, has worn me out. Goodnight.*

Tuesday: CRABBING!!! Today was a day of Crabbing! My face became burnt, and I was burnt out by the end of the day. Too much sun. It happens. But my face wasn't burnt to the point of peeling, just of burning-ness. There were so many sea lions it was ridiculous. They would pop up out of the water here and there and over there. They must really enjoy the bait for crabs. We didn't catch as many as two years ago, but we at least got some crab. Approx. 10 for over 20 people. So, we didn't share with too many peoples ha ha. They were delicious. And most likely nutritious. The cousins all went out after sunset to go boarding, but I was too worn out to go, plus I'm not a fan of pitch black boarding. I like to be able to see the waves about to knock me over. It sounded like a blast though...

Wednesday: GOLF. Again. But at a different course this time. It had a nice club house. And they were doing major renovations, but the nine holes we played on twice in a row defiantly needed an update. At least the second time around the greens got mowed. But yeah... it was pretty bad. Probably one of the worst courses I've played. Especially for the high prices they were charging. You don't up prices until AFTER you've finished making the greens nice. NOT before. On one of the holes we had to shoot up a MAJOR uphill. It was probably as or more steep than the hill Cumorah. But the fairways, ... I think they used to be a cattle range. There were bumps everywhere! James and Jeff thought that they still were letting cows out at night, maybe they were their fairway mowers? Ha ha, I kid. But we had a good time all the same.
Thursday: Today is the day we go home! HOORAY!!! Not that we don't want to go boogie boarding again, or see everyone, but James and I have been traveling all summer long! We seriously just want to go home, finish unpacking our new apartment, and just chill. Too much fun! I know that some people think that there's no such thing as too much fun, but... there is. We're worn out, and just ready for school to come.

Love Always,
Mrs. Fray Fray
P.S. More photos soon to come in another post.