This game was a little aggressive, but ... I don't think it got too bad. Do you?
The Key is to wrap your entire body around the Ball. This ensures Success.
James put into action my theory of "Wrapping" around the ball. He proves the theory Works!
Water-Polo Running.
Tie Game Resulted in a Shoot out between each team. After it again turned into a tie, we had goalie on goalie for the Win!

James & Andrew Missed their Flight on Purpose that morning so that they could Drive across Mexico and then Hit up Cuba for a while. Those two are quite a pair. They make me laugh. (Oh, And those shorts? ... He got them in Africa last month. Pretty Sweet eh?)
One Last Fruit Drink To Finish off the trip Before our Shuttle Comes to take us Away. Don't you just love, FREE Fancy Slushies!?! We're also Sporting our Awesome Ray-Ban's we got in Playa Del Carmen, let's pretend they're not knock off's shall we?

Underwater Fun! =]
Love Always,
Mrs. Fray Fray