December was Jammed Packed! With Events, Work & Family Gatherings. We hit up two Ugly Sweater Parties and James and I borrowed these little sweaters from a couple in our ward. Yes, my sweater does have lights on it. Santa looks a little evil. James had to leave a few days before Christmas up to Canada because his Grandmother Fraser Passed away. The Whole Family met up in Regina, Seskatchewan. I couldn't attend due to my work schedule, but I think they all had a good time catching up with one another. We did however get the opportunity to talk with her on the phone right before she passed away. I guess she hadn't opened her eyes in quite a while, but when we called she opened them. I think that was very special for James. Such a Blessing.

Our First Christmas ornament!

A Nativity ornament made of wood from a tree in the Holy land. Love it.

We bought this ornament this year. Buster the Bronco! (For good reason, If you know what I mean ;)

I am a perfectionist when it comes to our Christmas Tree. To me the tree is the most important part of the Christmas Season. Each branch I individually wrapped with lights. The room glowed it was so bright.

One of my Friends from work had me over to do some awesome crafts! We put beads on silver wear, and I know that sounds weird, but it was so cool! We made rice heat packs and made bookmarks. Then another friend of hers came over who is starting a cup cake business called "Cuppy-Cakes" and the cup cakes were so good! Delicious.

We started this puzzle at our House, but ... we never finished it because, well, it was too difficult. But, the fact that we attempted was all that mattered. At my Grandparents home we did a jigsaw puzzle that had larger pieces, making for an easier defeat of it! We all worked on it consistently, but I think I did the most ;)

Little Whitney Came to Visit for a few days! So did Heather & her fam Fam!
Love Always,
Mrs. Fray Fray