Monday, August 8, 2011

GROS MORNE Mountain Anniversary!

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO US!!! 3 YEARS NOW!!! For our anniversary I was hoping to go to Twillingate to see some Icebergs! (It's apart of Iceberg Alley don't cha know). But, when we phoned, they said there was only one there at the time, and since there was only one I didn't think the 2 hour or so drive there would be worth it. PLUS we'd probably have to pay $50 per person for a boat ride just to get a good look at it. So ... no Twillingate. But, I did really REALLY want to go see Gros Morne National Park before James and I left Newfoundland. I just don't think I would have felt like we had truly experienced Newfoundland without a visit there. Truthfully, I wouldn't have felt complete.
Once we had determined that we would not be going to Twillingate our Conversation went something like this:
J - I'd like to stay home and Relax today.
A - Let's go to Gros Morne National Park. It's so Pretty.
J's Thoughts - Crap!

A - Let's go on a little hike.
J's Thoughts - Crap!

16K and One mountain later ... =]
Climbing that Mountain was so refreashing and fun! It was a nice workout for me. AND it only took us 5 hours and 15 min! Most people it takes between 6 - 8 hours to complete. But we booked it pretty good, espcially since we didn't start the hike till 2:45 (We mostly hurried because we were afraid to get caught in the dark). People on the trail kept telling us to turn back, but we didn't and we still made it!
The larger text spread throughout this post is part of a talk I gave in Sacrament meeting after we returned to Boise. It was based on trials in our lives and the link below is the General Conference talk I used throughout the talk. MY Story of Gros Morne Mountain was intertwined in this talk. (More than Conquerors though him that loved us - 2011).
This summer James and I hiked Gros Morne Mountain in Gros Morne National Park for our three year anniversary. It is a 16K hike or 10 miles. Roughly taking people between 6 to 8 hours to complete because of the rough terrain and steepness of the mountain side. After the first 4k James and I made it to the base of the steepest part of the mountain where you were then required to hike straight up for 1k up a very large rock slide. It wasn’t so bad at first, at least for me it wasn’t. And soon we reached near the top. Or, at least, what we thought was the top. Little did we know at that time that, that first “top” we saw was not quite half way. So we traveled again and then we saw the top for reals this time. Well, that wasn’t the top either, but then we really DID see the top. Yet again, not the top. That happened to us at least 8 times. By that point we stopped guessing where the top was until we actually saw the sign that sits on top of the mountain telling you how high up you are, which was a climb that started from sea level.The climb became more and more difficult as we reached the actual top of the mountain. And when you thought you finally wouldn’t have to climb any longer you found that not only did have to climb farther but it would also be steeper. At one point You had to use both hands and feet to climb straight up a dirt path. But it wasn’t really a path as much as a mini cliff. I didn’t realize till after I climbed it that James went around it on an easier path near it’s side.
Climbing this mountain has similarities to the trials we face in our lives. You think that the trial must be over now, I mean you’ve learned what God wanted you to learn right? But it takes you at least eight times to think it’s finally over Until you stop guessing and just decide to keep going until it ends. There will be points where you still have to climb, but you make the choice of climbing this particular section straight up or on the easier path to the one side. But Either way, you still have to climb.
They had many little reflectors everywhere on top of the mountain to help hikers from getting disoriented and lost in the Fog. Apparently the Mountain can get Very Foggy, which I wouldn't doubt, it being in Newfoundland and all.
FINALLY! We Reached the Top!
"The Views can't get better than this!" Is what I kept thinking, and then I would turn a corner and they would get better.
Being on top of a Mountain is a Great Feeling! Especially When there are high chances of Leprechaun Sightings!
Taking a Moment to Dance on the 175 Step Staircase!
Some campers taking an evening Dip.
James is so Awesome! Thanks for agreeing to do this Hike with me Baby!
Once you reach the top of Gros Morne mountain you’d think that you be able to walk straight back down the mountain the way you came up, making for an easy retreat. This is not the case. You are actually not allowed to walk back down the way you came to prevent rockslides from occurring. You have to walk all the way to the back of the mountain and THEN down and around. Which brings you back to the base of the rockslide where you then follow the 4k path you came on it get to the steep base. The top of the mountain had so many beautiful views and breathtaking moments.
What all the Rock Slides looked like. Newfoundland is known as "The Rock," for good reason.
The Ultimate Latrine! Enjoy nature, or Sunbathe While ya Poop!
Meditation & Prayer on a Mountian is what Prophets of Old used to do, And God would always Reply on the Mountian. Remember Moses!? If we had more time, it might not have been a bad idea. In fact, I think I would have quite enjoyed it.
The way moon came out to play while the sun still shined.
God has some stellar creations.
MOOSE! We ran into two women on the trail who had just barley run into a Bull Moose with a large Rack! They Dove into the bushes when he appeared because they were nose to nose with the beast. We passed them, and a few min. later we saw this Female Moose. We yelled Moose to Warn them because She hopped right on the trail we had come from and Bolted towards those poor women.
It was Amazing! All the way from the front to the back. Gros Morne Mountain was the most beautiful trail I have ever hiked, but along with being the most beautiful, it might have also been my most hated. (Only because I didn't have the proper footwear and we climbed on Rocks all day). But, The only way to see the views is to make the climb.As Charles Dickens would say, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Thomas Paine said, “The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.” And to think, James had intended to spend our anniversary at home relaxing.
James Got real dirty! It made me laugh.
At the end of the day we even had time to drive home with some light left outside (but ... most of the drive was in the dark, seeing as we had to drive 4 hours back to Bishop's Falls). The photo below is part of our drive back home through Gros Morne National Park.
Love Always,
Mrs. Fray Fray

1 comment:

Brooke Smith said...

Woah, I have never even heard of Gros Morne National Park. I seriously want to go there now!! What a picturesque place! I LOVE all the photos!! :)